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I love the artstyle :3

Hi, I'm about 4th of the way through all of the routes!!! Gato you absolutely outdid yourself!! This game was worth every cent I paid for!!

Now to my question, I've been playing through Celia's route and I found the safe. Does anyone, LITERALLY ANYONE, know the code for it??? If so, please respond to my comment! Thank you so much!

I don't know if you found it but is it 0247

You have to search the office room and find the key, and go to the elevator and search again the inventory will pop up and use the key and it'll give you a small piece of paper with 0247 on it.

i love it

I've been having a lot of fun with this game, but I've been having some trouble with the DLC, I've gotten the note and all but I'm not given the option to go with the announcer, leaving me with the original four choices .


absolutely adore this game, the art and story lines are wonderful. But i am haveing slight issues with trying to update the game, would anyone be able to help me with that? I really wanted to play the dlc but have been stalling since the update is confusing me


The new DLC is so beautiful! I came across the announcement late BUT It made me fall back in love with this game, this community, and this genre. It is well made and looks AMAZING! I lost count of how many times I played through it because I love it just that much. 10/10 Highly recommend. 


I came here from having played The price of flesh on steam, and wanting to experience the other games from gatobob. And seeing the comment section, I decided to make an account to deliver an important message: 
This game is absolutely amazing. Like REALLY. 
I think I've never seen, or even hoped to play a game as well written and diverse as this one. It doesn't shy away from disturbing content, but it still remains one of the best quality games I've ever played without ever reverting to some 'mainstream tame' levels of horror. Plus, there is so many ways to experience it, and the way the stories unravel depending on your sanity, on your interactions with the characters, it makes it extraordinarily rich. 
It can prove to be hard sometimes, but all you need is creativity in the ways you interact, and a lot of save slots. It does help that the online community is rich enough to give some tips on the gameplay. 

Anyways, if you wanna play it, please do. I know I wasn't disappointed at all, on the contrary. 


Can someone help me? I got every single ending and achievement but I'm missing some pictures from Mason and Celia's gallery 😭 (and the first picture from the sexual content)  I really want to unlocked the memelord mode 🥲


Hi! For the mason NSFW cg, you have to get caught by the snare. When you do, try saving when your caught, and then trying different dialogue options. If they result in death, just load your save and try the other options. For Celia's run, I think some endings are really a bit harder to get, but I'm sure you'll manage with some creatiity and time! 


if you still have a problem, for Mason's first missing CG you need to do this: 1. [stay in the clearing]
2. [hide when mason shoots you]
3. [stay until mason shoots you again]
4. [choose anything to say to him]
5. [this time, don’t stop the bleeding]
6. [light a fire and stay until you bleed out] 

credits to Clownie

Did you get it?

For the Celia one, you need to go to the office, then the basement (search the floor and use the pad 0247) then search the floor, get the wire, wait until Celia brings u the donuts and beats u then when u get back set up the wire, then take Harold as the hostage and make Celia kill him herself. There! Hope I helped!

(1 edit) (-1)

Someone please help. A friend told me to unlock the DLC I had to die 1000 times, wipe the game entirely, die 500 times, wipe the game, do the 3 achievement endings and redo Memelord mode. I've now done this 4 times and still nothing, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Someone please help me before I go insane. 

*As of ten minutes agoi have tried for a 5th time, I'm planning on trying one final time tomorrow, before giving up.
**Update it works now! 


Help. I have "control" achievement, but I can`t choose an Announcer. I don`t get this selection button for some reason.  


depending on when you got the control achievement you might have to do it again. There should be something extra in the desk that unlocks the dlc if you follow the control ending path. 



Just wanna say, Ren I love u!!!!


The art is nice and the storylines are interesting, I love the references to past BTD games. Memelord mode is also very memey and funny. Money well spent!


Massive fan of your games and PoF is definitely a fave (love Derek and Celia) but I am struggling with Show Must Go on, I'm stuck at getting "You were the star of the show- Show 3" ending, is that that it or am I missing something much earlier?


I'm also stuck here! I've noticed that if you behave in certain ways Fox seems to appreciate you more, even telling chat he liked you, but that seems to lead nowhere. The balancing act between keeping Fox happy and keeping chat satisfied is really stumping me.


Hi, sorry if this is inconvenient and please feel free to not answer at all! I've tried to find some sort of social to ask you but I didn't find any ( and the ones I found, were closed - for example, your ask box ) so I came here :")

Is there any way to get the android/apk version without being here on Dollars are 5x times more expensive here in my country so the game ends up being wayyy pricer than it is normally or even on steam ( steam converts, so it's way better for me and i would bet that for anyone who doesn't use dollar ) :") I would buy the steam one but, well, I'm without my computer atm. 

Sorry for the long ask !

I'm  sorry ^^; itchio is the only place I have the android version posted- steam won't allow me to upload an android version and my games aren't available anywhere else. I'm very sorry about the trouble ._.

I love your game,forget the pass。They all nothing.There are so many people like will be better.


I just paid for this game and apparently, it contains viruses and therefore my laptop will not let me download it. What can I do?

(1 edit) (-3)

I paid for this but it does not work on mac. People have had the same problem 9 months ago, so I'm pretty sure the devs aren't fixing the issue. It's the same issue with boyfriendtodeath. "Integrated" files never work. Where do I ask for a refund?

Sadly doesn't work on mac.

I actually bought and played this game pretty much on release. Tysm for making it available on, Gato! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ I couldn't have played it otherwise.

This game is really fleshed out (haha, get it?). I truly enjoyed it and it was definetely worth my money! I went with the flow and played Derek's route first. [Spoilers] That time when he finds you with his quad and you try to run away gotta be my fav encounter with him. I felt so immersed at that moment. It was really intense! All three of those merciless bastards broke my heart tho (ಥ◡ಥ) and more! lol

One of my favorite games, but I am desperately struggling. I've gotten all endings, including I want blood, I want sacrifice, ext. On top of that I've gotten all of Celia's and Derek's  art. But I've been dying and trying Masons route and I cannot find the one last drawing. Its the 14th drawing in Mason's art collection. 5th row down and the center art. Below the one drawing of the camp fire, and above the drawing of MC killing Mason. If anyone can please please help me find it, ill be forever grateful.


Ahh...I know what this is. I don't have it either, I think it's the secret ending. I don't want to give spoilers, but apparently it's so secretive that from what i HEARD [I could be wrong] you can't even die once apparently. It's the 'you changed' [spoilers]

but I could be wrong, from what I heard you have to get this first and you have to have never died prior. 

(youve probably gotten it by now haha but)
its if you leave the snare up that mason rigs while youre in the woods! a deer gets caught in it if you wait by the area long enough :)


Derek, though. I have to take a break every once in a while while played his route, dang. Btw, i love celia's one; personally, i think she's a little bit sweeter than the other two :).

And Machete snatched my interest somehow, haha. Would love to see a dlc for machete if possible tho. No pressure of course, because already loved it the way it is.


There is no better man than the machete man.


Anal sex?


the penetration is ambiguous, as are the player's genitals. If your headcanon is that it's anal, it's anal


Succchhhh a good game

Roughly how long is one playthrough of this game? A lot of the other gore focused survival games I've been seeing have an average of like 10-15 minutes tops if you read fast.


I would say it's very similar to that! The content spread is more lateral [ getting different endings, etc ]

The pacing is a little different though since it's based on in-game-1-hour 'turns'. You can spend your time waiting, sleeping, searching, or getting into events. 

I feel like people may spend less time reading, and more time thinking about what they want to do next, since it's a lot more open-ended than my previous work in BTD.

There's no option to dm on itch and this was your last activity on itch, so I'm sending a reply here. The game doesn't work on mac. Same as BTD, putting the entire thing together with exe and sh files doesn't work. You need to make a seperate downloadable and it should be an easy fix. People have had the problem for over 9 months and you've continued to falsely advertise this as available on mac. The fact that you've ignored the comment thread about mac issues before this and only replied to the ones before and after it makes it seem like you're deliberately ignorning this issue... But just in case, I'm leaving this comment in good faith before issuing a refund.


Does anyone know how to fix an issue with opening the game on mac? Even after I bypass the "unidentified developer" thing, it closes immediately before it opens :(


I'm also having this issue! Came here to try and find a fix. I've been playing the mobile version with no problems but my Mac just won't have it. 

I'm having the same issue. And I'd love to play this game...I just can't get it to open on my Mac at all. Any solutions yet?

So...I have some data that might be useful! I was able to start the game...but did get some interesting errors that might shed light on the problem.
I right clicked on the app, then chose Show Package Contents. Then clicked on the MacOS folder, then I double clicked on the "ThePriceOfFlesh" executable. This opened up the game and two terminal windows. One the regular bash terminal...but the other was a ThePriceOfFlesh terminal window...and that window had the following messages:

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; ipcserver init failed .

[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() did not locate a running instance of Steam.

[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Could not determine Steam client install directory.

So I think the trouble has something to do with the RenPy Steam integration?
(1 edit)

I kind of have the same problem. When I click the application, it opens and closes immediately, it doesn't even have the chance to show the window. I open the game from the executable file like you said, except I'm getting an error message that says:

"can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"

I can open the game if I redownload the whole thing from the page (I have it here rather than through steam). But so far after the first time I boot up the game (fresh download) and close it, it does the same thing

(Update) So I found the problem, removing the application from its file folder makes it stop opening, and I don't know why

(1 edit)

How do you achieve memelord? I think I got all the endings including the special ones.


Memelord mode is activated when you get all the endings and all the [ sfw ] CGs! If you go to the 'collection' page, the red bar on the right will be full when you can get memelord :D [ most people who are only missing a CG or two simply need to try leaving the snare up in Mason's path... ]


Like this? I don't understand, the red bar in the corner is full but the name memelord mode has a faded color


I just bought a copy for my phone cause i love it lol i just have one problem, is there a phone equivalent to pressing h to view full images? I couldn't find anything about it in the game


I'm sorry, I don't think the phone version has that capability ^^; I'm not that familiar with phone inputs and didn't really know how to implement it

I love this so much!! gorgeous art, amazing characters and I LOVE how replayable it is. amazing work :)


Just bought this game and I can only get a couple of answers in at the start of the game before it crashes, I've tried clearing the cache of the app store, updating my files app, nothing seems to work. (I'm on mobile port and my phone is a galaxy AO2s)

The game requires about 4GB of ram, so if there isn'e enough, it might not work :( If you can't play it with the hardware you have, please contact itchio for a refund. I'm sorry about the trouble!


I found a way around it that may be usefull!! Every couple of dialogs you'll need to save your game and continue on like that, and after every dialog option save just so you don't lose progress (been doing this method to get every ending lol)


That's very dedicated x'D I'm sorry you have to go through the trouble though x'DDD

So I bought the copy here so I could get the APK for Android too, installed it and all! But when I opened it, shows ren'py is loading with a logo on the side but then screen went black..waited a bit and nothing..when I closed and tried again, it did that then went to black screen again but with looping text of "reloading game..." So I'm a little upset thinking its not even working on my phone..which would be shitty considering I wanted to be able to play the game wherever via my phone. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated!

Can I ask what kind of phone/OS you're using? I haven't heard of anyone having this issue before :(

Of course! It's an AT&T fusion Z, and it can handle lots of games so..I'm not sure why the game isn't working on it and its pretty upsetting as I'm not always on my PC but I'm on my phone all the time so I'd like to be able to play it when I'm not on PC too :c

I asked for help from my beta testers since I don't have an android phone myself, and they mentioned a few things:

"When it comes to 3rd party apps, sometimes it's not enough to just enable installation, sometimes you end up having to disable some of the security software on your phone because it won't allow the apps to run"

"That phone uses Android 10 GO Edition. If its different from standard Android OS lines, it may be an OS specific issue. Similar to how there's Windows and then there's like Windows Chromebook. Its also a really lightweight prepaid phone sporting only 2GB RAM, not sure how intensive TPOF is but their phone may not be up to par for as many games as they thought?"

This one stuck out to me, because I listed the specs required to run TPOF at 4GB of ram, so a phone with 2GB of ram may not be able to run it :(

If you can't get it to run at all please contact to request a refund. I'm sorry for the trouble!


nabbed a copy here... gotta say i love how your art has evolved since the last game. the characters are all also really fun! love the fact that there's a lady in this one to get murderized by and the puzzle-ish-ness of trying to figure out how to escape (or not). also toggleable nsfw? a master stroke, no pun intended

is the player character male or female? or is it kept ambiguous?


You can choose your pronouns at the start of the game!


I have been waiting for this for years. Almost forgot that it was out. >\\\<


bought it on Steam! 
(1 edit) (+3)

I, too, bought it on Steam! I just wanted to say that you're amazing Gato! I adore all of your characters and the stories you write involving them <3 This game was absolutely worth the wait.


Got it on steam the day it came out, obsessed love it! Hope to see more from you!

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