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Hi hi i was trying to purchase this game and it kept declining my card :( i dont know if its because its charging me in USD and not CDN, is there any way this could be solved so I can buy this game? I'm on android so I can't buy off of steam :((

Oh no! I don't really know anything about the money system here on itchio. You will have to contact itchio support about that I think. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful ^^;

Hi hi hi, bought the game on steam already and it's amazing. Can't wait for the next one, Gato <3 

I've heard you have patreon but I can't find it... could I get a link please?


No problem! My Patreon is - you may have to type it in directly as I am self-classified as adult content.

You can also find all my old art and free updates on my personal website

Big thanks!

hi gato! i'm really invested in your games so much but i do wonder what time the game takes place since in btd2 ren was 21 and i'm assuming it was back in the early 2000s but in the price of flesh he was around in his 40s so i'm just really curious about when the price of flesh took place.

(i'm really sorry in advance if you feel uncomfortable answering questions right now but i just couldn't hold my curiosity)


I don't have a specific time period in mind :) I guess you could just classify them as 'relatively modern'


im having issues with opening on mac, when i open the application it just pops up on the bottom bar for a bit then goes away and i cant play it :( any tips??


To open a Renpy Game on mac, you may need to do some extra steps. If the issue is mac refusing to open an unsigned program, then follow these steps:

On top of that, your game must be placed in the applications folder. Applications that are not in the applications folder may not run.

Unfortunately it still doesn't work and I had to purchase it again on Steam to play it

heya gato! hope you don’t mind the question here :) i’m currently working on the fandom wiki for your games / stories, and i wanted to know if there’s anything in particular you don’t want put onto the wiki? certain art, info, or anything like that? it’s currently a bit of a mess but i’d love to get it a bit more cleaned up for the YKMET release! 


Well, it's certainly up to you guys what you like to document and such so don't worry too much what I think!

Although if you want my personal opinion, I consider only TPOF and the information on my website [ ] to be 'current canon'. 

Anything that I posted on my old social media and whatnot is subject to change for my newer games [ or was never said seriously in the first place, it was just social media posting after all ]

Lots of stuff in the old BTD games will be changed to fit my narratives better in YKMET as well. I know 'retcon' isn't the most popular thing but my personal motto is that 'improvement is better than consistency' haha!

i appreciate the reply!! thanks so much :)

heya - i was wondering if you’d be open to more consistent communication in terms of questions regarding the wiki so i’m able to keep the information as accurate as possible? i understand if not especially considering how busy you are at the moment but there would never be any rush. i mostly just want to make sure these characters are represented in an accurate way and a way you’re comfortable with. i’d be happy to provide an email or something. 


I'm very sorry but I'm not ^^;

I don't really want to hammer out any details of my work. To me, the joy in art is every unique interpretation creating something new. I think it should be a joint process between artist and viewer where both contribute imagination.

Accuracy means very little to me and I am comfortable with my characters being interpreted in any way that gives people joy.

i totally understand :) thank you for the reply anyway!

Hey gato, I was looking for you because some one on tumblr is leaking your patreon, and I had no idea what to do about it or even if you wanted anything done. Can it be reported to tumblr as a copywright violation?


Oh, that's very sweet of you to worry! [ maybe even... evilsweet? sorry LMAO ]

I'm aware of a couple people leaking my Patreon information, but unfortunately there's nothing I can really do. Not even hollywood can prevent leaks haha!

I'm very lucky to have enough people legitimately supporting my work on my Patreon [ and buying my games/merch ] that I can survive and keep making things. The economy is really rough right now, and if people who can't afford to support me financially get some joy from seeing my leaked patreon content, then I suppose it's really not so bad.

Besides, with my big watermarks on everything, they're giving me free advertising anyway haha!

Hi Gatobob! I saw your tumblr was still down and am assuming it's gonna stay that way (hope all is okay!) I was wondering if you'd ever do commissions in the future and if so where from? Thank you for the endless amazing games and my husband Ren <3

I'm afraid I probably won't be offering commissions again! I'm working full time on the next game, then I'll be working as tech support and creating new merch after it's released :D

All of my social media accounts are gone and I have no intention of ever returning to it in general, but I do have a currently updated personal website where you can find info about my next game, what my progress currently looks like, and stuff like my old art arranged by year :)

Oh wow!!! That’s amazing!!! While I’m sad commissions are gone I’m so happy that you’re doing well mentally and wish you the best always!!! Can’t wait to see what more you bring <333


does anyone know how to get this last piece of Concept Art? I think I've unlocked everything else (memelord and I think all Fox content). It just says "I want blood"

Sorry,But I do not know how to get this art, but could you tell me how you got the art with Lawrence?

Hi Gatobob!

 I love your art, especially your coloring and backgrounds! I have a question for you- will Strade's remake from BTD1 that you're working on delve into his cameo on TPOF? Also, will there be more interactive Ren routes in it? Lastly, will it delve into Lawrence from BTD2 as well, or is it solely focused on Strade? Sorry for so many questions!

 I love your work and I plan to support your patreon once I get paid this week haha. Thank you for taking the time to read this and/or answer any questions!

It won't delve much into the TPOF stuff, and it won't involve Lawrence at all. It's more like just an expanded version of Strade's original route. Ren does get more screentime in it though :)

If everything goes well with this game, Lawrence will get his own game next!

Awesome! I'm so looking forward to it!

Hi Gatobob! Since I can’t really ask questions on tumblr I had a question did Machete ever have a real name when you were planning him or was he always Machete, and if not what would his name be if he had one?

I never did give him a real name in any planning phases 🤔 I admit, I'm not the type to think of extra details that aren't in the story [ same reason Strade has never had a last name LMAO ]

I'd say 'just go with your heart' 

That makes sense! We decided on calling him Malikai, also you responding made my day so much I love your games and art!

That's an EXCELLENT choice, I love it!

(1 edit)

I fucking love all your games, i bought this game 1-2 years ago on steam when it got released on my birthday as i was so happy, i remember it was also the first time i did writing commissions so i could pay for it. You're working on a new project with Strade, am I right?

I am! I'm currently working on a remake of Strade's path from the original BTD. It will be very different though- lots of upgrades. If you wanna see more info about it, you can check out my personal website :D

will the strade game be on steam? if yes will you put up the early access on steam? i cant believe strade route is actually getting a remake omg i love him the most on BTD!!

Yes, I plan to put up the new game on Steam :) I don't really plan for an 'early access' phase though. I prefer the old fashioned way of going through proper beta testing in semi-private and then releasing a complete game. You can find details about my progress on the game at my personal website: I update that page every friday to keep the progress noted on it up to date :D


cant wait! i'll buy it on steam when it comes out!! <333 i played BTD many years ago and strade is my favorite i cant believe a new game with strade is coming out im so happy!

Hi! Love your work! Just today I purchased the game, I use Mac (MacBook air 😭) and it seems it doesn't let me open the game, even when I follow the advice provided in the purchase page it still won't open

is there any way to fix that? 😭

Hmmm, it may not work if it's not in the applications folder- did you drag in there first?

Omg I'm stupid, Im so sorry I didn't know I was supposed to do that, thank you a lot! 

Love the game and your work! 

Yay! I'm so glad it helped! And thank you haha! :D [ you are not stupid at all, mac is stupid and I say that as a mac user myself LMAO ]

Glad I know how to fix that now!

Good luck with your other game I'm so excited I looks awesome!


"Are you Dude of Guy or are you Girl of Gal?"

I tried sifting through the itch page but could not find the answer to the question of what sex the playable character is

It's written neutrally but generally it's always about bottoming

I remember playing BTD/BTD2 and I was always fond of Ren. I was excited to find you are still making games! Cant wait to start playing this one!

I could not really stomach the other games from this developer but Price of Flesh reminds me more of a survival horror and the different routes are entertainingly different. It is one of the few games that I played through a lot of times to get all endings (not all achievements though) and I definitely recommend it to people that like survival horror and can cope with the trigger warnings.

Can someone help me please? I think it's a bug or something, but i just got the last two art pieces but they don't show up here. Please someone help me

Deleted 291 days ago

Just dot kill her husband


Dear Gatobob,

My name is KTS and I am one of the developers of "Gomenne Gomenne".
We would like to contact you to resolve some misunderstandings between us. Specifically, we would like to address the situation regarding the development permit you provided last summer.
Unfortunately, we are unable to communicate with you using any other method than the comment sections of Itchio and Steam, bas all other websites are blocked in our country. 
If you would like to continue this dialogue, please respond to this comment. If so I will send my mail/tumblr/telegram/whatever and I will delete the comment.

I appreciate any feedback you may have.

Respectfully, Heluwu & KTS.


Hello, I'm sorry for any confusion. [ And I'm sorry for the very slow reply, itchio randomly stopped sending me emails about comments ]

I don't have any of my social media accounts any more so I can't look up any permission messages nor can I remember them. I'm sorry.

My general policy is to allow the use of my characters in games as references or cameos, but not to allow them to be written at length/be a main character in other people's games.

I've deleted the section about "Gomenne Gomenne" on my personal website, as I really don't want to cause any trouble, but my policy is still the same.


thanks for your reply!


Dear Gato, I'm sorry that all this has fallen on you, due to recent events. but I want to support you. your games, setting and art, that's what makes me happy. I was saved by your games during one period of my loneliness. I am sure that your games have found at least some response in many. because I literally spent the whole of last summer in your novels! I really wish you success and, most importantly, peace of mind. you will always have an audience ready to respond to you! All of us, the players of your novels, believe in you ovo

//Sorry for the clumsy Text... I write from a translator, but as a rule, it does not always work stably. owo

(3 edits) (+4)


I'll literally do anything atp just to see an After Story with Ren/Fox like a dating sim or something. I just wanna see a whole game literally just about dating or at least being friends with Ren/Fox. Nothing more. It's all I ask for..🙏🙏

I love him so much istg. and all that aside I genuinely didn't expect him to do a major 360 like that. I love his character, he's so well designed and well written!!! Even tho he did something fucked up, ain't gonna stop me from lovin his character. From BTD1 I saw him and immediately loved his character, then I was super overjoyed when I heard he had his own route in BTD2 then he returns in TPOF with his own route again!! My excitement-energy was so much that it almost created another sun. Ren is so real and so me I LOVE HIM!!!


Fox's hidden ending had me giggling and kicking my feet😭😭😭

I love this game so much however My game crashes a lot even though I have plenty of space (I have an updated device) ;-; it took forever to get the dlc but now anytime i do a full route and save and close my game for the day and go back to check my photos from ren (like his bunker and stuff) they're gone so I have to keep replying it and it continues to crash 😭

Omg I fixed it, never mind 😄

HELP i can't play the DLC. Like i have the little fox taking his hat off on the collections screen, and i have the option to point the annoncer but after their is nothing like "beg him" or something like that. I have done the achievement CONTROL but idk i still can't go with the annoncer :(


And your copy of the game is version at least 1.2.8?


does anybody know exactly how to get the dlc because i just don't know how


As long as you have the latest version of the game, you can access it by getting the 'CONTROL' achievement. To do that, you have to find the hidden note in Celia's desk- still a bit of a challenge because you won't see it unless you're drunk enough. You'll lose your sanity trying to get drunk enough if you don't have some ginger ale as well.

Is 1.2.8 the latest version because it's the one I have and I've tried that soo many times do you know how drunk I have to be or if I need to wait to a certain time like after she gives me the sandwich or does it not matter because I feel like I've tried everything😢

1.2.8 is the latest one, yep! You can probably find a guide to follow if you look up how to get the Control achievement that will tell you how to do it step by step. You need to drink like 5 times or so, it's only possible when she's gone for a long time. You'll know you have the achievement if there's a little animated Fox taking his hat off on the collections screen. Once you have it, you can just start a new game and there will be a new option to go with him at the auction.

thank you so much i finally got it:)) 

do you know where the save files are located for a non-steam version of the game?, I'm having an issue where achievements from other versions are getting unlocked as soon as I open the game on steam and I wanted to start from scratch

They should be in something like [ %APPDATA%/RenPy/save_directory ] for windows or [ ~/Library/RenPy/save_directory ] for mac. 

Save files are different from persistent data though. I think they're held in the same place, but persistent data is what hold achievement and overall game progress.

One way to get rid of them for sure would be to duplicate and back up your whole game folder, then go into the actual game and use the big red 'delete all progress' button on the collections page. That button wipes out all save files and persistent data so you can start from scratch.

Finally figured it out, very hard to find when it was under the the name The Hunt, I'm guessing an old name or something because that was the only file that appeared after I launched the game, deleted that whole folder, and everything in the saves for the steam version and used an achievement locker for steam and it all finally worked

(2 edits)

when i downloaded the file on my windows it showed the right file of which i needed for my apple computer; '.app' file. When i downloaded it onto my apple computer it says i dont have the right file. Which is fine since i am able to play on windows, i was just wondering why it doesn't show for my apple computer. It may just very well be my own computer, Im not sure.

I'm very sorry but I'm not really sure what the problem could be or how to solve it ^^; I'm not very knowledgable about computer tech support issues 

that is a-okay! im just glad i was able to get it on at least one screen to play it on!  nether am i the best with computers haha. thank you, i really like the game so far! thanks again! <3


I'm interested in this game, but can someone tell me how far the genital mutilation imagery goes?

Like is it going to be something I read by in a text, or am I going to be seeing slides or even animation of someone sawing off another person's genitals?

Sorry for the late reply- I was out for a bit! The genital mutilation warning is pretty mild. It's only text, and pretty short. No pics and definitely no animations! 

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

I miss Ren as a twink ; - ;

Oh well, I goes you could say Ren has now become a silver fox :0

(Get it? Yeah its bad)


im replaying the game and im unable to acsess the DLC, I unlocked it and have played it before, was the dlc removed?

(1 edit)

Does anyone know how to get Darqxs chimbi demon Strade when saving? I also need help with unlocking the last art piece of Concept art and the first art in the 'Sexual Content' category.

I bought this game on steam when it was on sale, I had my PC at the time, but I wish I could play it on my phone which apparently steam doesn't have a support for Android for this game. 

I was considering buying it again here but I'm Brazilian and it's five times more expensive than on steam.

can someone help me? I just want to play my horror game.


It took me almost 2 weeks to finish the game and unlock everything but holy crap it was worth it! This was the second game I bought on here and I'm so happy that I decided to buy this game. The art, the music, and the characters were so enthralling to see!

Speaking of the characters...


Mason (Big burly man): I never had any intentions of going camping and I sure as hell aren't going after dying so many times in the woods from the cold, hunger, and blood loss from a hot, psychotic man built like a bear. Mason's route truly opened my eyes to the harsh reality of surviving the outside elements. It felt SO GOOD to see the fear in Mason's eyes when we got our hands on a weapon and treated him like the animals he hunted. Also it was great to see my favorite gardener go from using human blood as fertilizer to becoming an undead lake monster. Nice career change dude. 

Celia (Sugar mama): I'm 100% sure that if I met Celia in real life our entire relationship would consist of us getting drunk on weekends with Celia complaining about her husband while I'm forced to be her unwilling therapist/drinking buddy. Celia's route was surprisingly the hardest for me. I spent hours trying to get Celia to like me enough to NOT kill me but I caved and had to use a guide. Of course you have to have low sanity to stay with someone as crazy as her. Not complaining though...I definitely would've ran away with her. 

Derek (YOU NASTY LITTLE BASTARD): Of all the characters you've created to be as despicable and demented as possible, Derek is by far the most heinous out of all of them. Even more than Strade! I physically winced during the firecracker death and wanted to choke this man for doing that! He's the type of rich person that needs his money and rights taken away IMMEDIATELY!! I was cheering for this blonde twink's death towards the end and Machete instantly became one of my favorite characters for delivering justice. Also I'm not surprised that Strade still manages to be a pain in the ass by somehow having a potential cult that worships him. 

Fox (Foxy gilf): It's so jarring to see Ren as an old guy. He went from a baby-faced murderer to a mature, calculating ringleader with an entire business. Strade would've been so proud to see him! I can say for a fact that I would NOT survive one of his shows. IRL I would've been dead by the end of the 1st one. But judging by the survival ending to the 3rd show, I think death would be a relief compared to what Fox has in store for us after surviving.

I need help with something, I'm trying to buy the game, I have all my card information but when I do all the steps it doesn't tell me anything, it doesn't give me the option to download any game or anything, it doesn't appear in my library or anything (it's First time I bought a game on this page and I don't know if that's normal)

I have a question, so do you play this game as a woman? Or male? Or can you choose?


There are specific pronouns you can pick (he, she, or they)

Do do i enable the sexual content

the only thing I see is

Visual and text

Only text




If you dont want Sexual content hit no. If you do want it hit Visual and text unless you don't wanna see the photos hit only text. That is how you enable or disable it

Hey, Ive had the game for a long time and i think i might have downloaded the wrong version because I didn't have to pay and it was from some sketchy website, I can't remember the name though


Is this available on ios? If not, would it be in the future?

sorry for extremely late reply! None of my games will ever be available for IOS unfortunately because they break IOS terms of service [ also having official apple apps is extremely expensive and difficult, they require yearly fees and need to approve every update- it's kind of a nightmare RIP ]


Hello to the author!could you tell me if there will be a sequel to the game from the series "the guy to the grave"?I really liked your game!I want to wish you good luck in creating such wonderful games)

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